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I'm constantly amazed by the power a good idea has over people, the inspiration it creates, and the satisfaction of seeing it come to life... as difficult and rare as that might be.

Ron Swanson as an operating system

Ron Swanson as an operating system

September 19th, 2012

I was creating a simple webpage that clients could download a support software package, and I was doing the typical icons for operating systems thing… but I needed an option for no-nonsense web-only support option. I thought “what icon represents the no-nonsense, to-the-point option?” … Ron Swanson! Something about the concept of Ron Swanson as […]

Extended error logging for QLogic QL4052C in ESX

September 13th, 2012

Every piece of documentation online says that do turn on extended logging for the QLA4xxx iSCSI HBA adapters, you issue this command; esxcfg-module -s extended_error_logging=1 qla4xxx However, after many back-and-forths with QLogic support, it turns out the new driver uses a new name for the extended error logging option; esxcfg-module -s ql4xextended_error_logging=1 qla4xxx Furthermore, to […]

Louis CK beats the Internet

Louis CK beats the Internet

September 13th, 2012

Ok, Louis CK has beaten the Internet. His new standup record Word – Live at Carnegie Hall is absolutely not available for download theft anywhere. I sometimes “sample” stuff first, then if I like it enough, I go try to purchase it on Amazon Music to get a legit but DRM-free copy. Unable to find […]

Now for sale; NFC implants and DIY implantation kits

Now for sale; NFC implants and DIY implantation kits

August 30th, 2012

After my experience at ToorCamp, it became clear… there are certain kinds of people who are interested in this DIY approach to RFID implantation. So I put together a little online storefront that sells, well, dangerous things. http://dangerousthings.com

1,000,000,000,000 frames/second photography

August 28th, 2012

Wow. Just… wow.

A New Wild West

A New Wild West

August 28th, 2012

When I saw the Space Elevator Conference was in Seattle, I asked GeekWire to get me in under the guise of being a pesky reporter. Press pass in hand, I entered the rough and tumble world of Space Elevator enthusiasts where just about anything goes. Here’s the write-up I did for GeekWire: http://www.geekwire.com/2012/wild-west-imagining-future-space-elevators (pdf) When […]

Export KEY and PEM files from PFX

Export KEY and PEM files from PFX

August 20th, 2012

Nothing new here, just another personal note on how to do something so I don’t forget. Generate a new private key and Certificate Signing Request openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout privateKey.key To export the private key without a passphrase or password openssl pkcs12 -in filename.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out key.pem To Generate […]

Grow a pair Breeja Larson

Grow a pair Breeja Larson

August 14th, 2012

Something has been bothering me ever since seeing Breeja Larson jump into the pool “prematurely” upon hearing the start tone (video). A swimming official effed the poochy and pressed the start button before getting swimmers ready by saying “take your marks”… you know what? Fuck that. The start tone was sounded and Breeja dove in […]

ToorCamp 2012 Write Up Wrap Up

ToorCamp 2012 Write Up Wrap Up

August 13th, 2012

Well ToorCamp 2012 is over, and there is plenty to show for it. I ended up going after winning a ticket by answering a GeekWire tech-tune challenge correctly, and offered to write a few “camp journal” style posts for them while I was at it. GeekWire – Arrival (pdf) – Day 1 (pdf) – Day […]

ToorCamp Implantation Station Q&A

ToorCamp Implantation Station Q&A

August 12th, 2012

This post is for the people at ToorCamp 2012 that received RFID implants at the Implantation Station. Below are links and information cobbled together based on questions asked of me in person and in the ToorCamp Google Group post; EM4102 – You were implanted with an EM4102 family tag. Readers that support this tag are […]

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