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Review of Montie Gear 13.56MHz field detector

Review of Montie Gear 13.56MHz field detector

Friday, May 17th, 2013

I had a chance to review the 13.56MHz RFID field detector from Montie Gear and I have to say, I like this detector. It’s very thin, somewhat flexible, and is the size of a credit card so it fits in my wallet.

Video explaining how to get good consistent reads of an NFC 2x12mm glass tag with a typical flat plane NFC reader

Video explaining how to get good consistent reads of an NFC 2x12mm glass tag with a typical flat plane NFC reader

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

I had some questions from Dangerous Things customers that centered around getting a good consistent read of the 2x12mm NFC compatible tags they purchased. Rather than respond via email, I figured it would be easier to make this video to explain how to get the tag to read consistently when used with typical “flat plane” […]

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus sucks

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus sucks

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

UPDATE About a month ago, I got my hands on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Right out of the box, battery life REALLY sucked. I couldn’t go more than a couple hours before my 100% battery would be warning me it needed juice. In the last 30 days however, my phone has had two forced updates […]

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