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Review of Ananiah Electronics RF9315R active RFID reader with RSSI

Review of Ananiah Electronics RF9315R active RFID reader with RSSI

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

A while back I did a review of some of Ananiah Electronics‘ RFID modules and readers. These are simple RF devices that fulfill the baseline requirement of an RFID device (periodically transmits an identifier)… but the great thing about these modules is the price. You can get them for a steal of a deal, which […]

Review of the TagAlert proximity monitoring system

Review of the TagAlert proximity monitoring system

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

Make sure your rug rat doesn’t wander off while you’re gettin your shop on.

Open source OpenBeacon 2.4GHz active RFID platform for real time tracking

Open source OpenBeacon 2.4GHz active RFID platform for real time tracking

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

A while back I heard of this open source 2.4GHz active RFID platform called OpenBeacon. At the time I thought it was simply an open source active RFID system, which really only appealed to me because the end products might be cheap enough for broke hobbyists to play with. When time finally permitted me to […]

Loc8tor - Hunting down stolen goods

Loc8tor – Hunting down stolen goods

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

So many people have been asking me on the RFID Toys forum for a way to use RFID to locate things. I’ve always told them two things: 1) RFID is an identifying technology, not a tracking technology… and 2) Check out the Loc8tor, a simple RFID based direction and range finding solution… but I’d never […]

You have no right to privacy

Monday, June 30th, 2008

I was thinking a bit about RFID and personal privacy today and a simple yet powerful truth slowly dawned on me. The root of the RFID privacy issue in this country is, quite simply: You have no right to privacy, not when it comes to personal or private enterprise. The constitutional right to privacy that […]

ShopperTrak – RFID people tracking? I guess not.

Saturday, June 7th, 2008

Well, thanks to my own lack of research on the subject, I was spouting off in complete ignorance with my last post. Shortly after publishing my off-base semi-rant, Brad Oldenburg the CTO of ShopperTrak left me a comment (see below). I guess ShopperTrak uses cameras to count people, not RFID to track tagged items going […]

ShopperTrak - RFID people tracking in my local GAP store

ShopperTrak – RFID people tracking in my local GAP store

Friday, June 6th, 2008

I happened to find myself in the local mall the other day and was pulled into The Gap by the horde I happened to be traveling with that day. As we were exiting, I noticed a little ShopperTrak box above the door and snapped a bad, grainy camera-phone photo of it. Usually these types of […]

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