Dangerous Things
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Soft shoulder signs keep mocking me

Soft shoulder signs keep mocking me

Friday, April 17th, 2009

I’ve been thinking a bit about my shoulder situation. Even though I’d say I’m 85% healed up, that last 15% is proving to be significant because I can’t do things like lift heavy lead batteries or push up on heavy hatch covers anymore. The arm and shoulder feel fine during daily life use, but once […]

El saga del tooth

El saga del tooth

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

For whatever reason I love mixing together badly constructed Spanglish phrases. It just sounds funny to me, and if you’ve ever seen any Spanish language dramas, you’ll know adding just a few Spanish connecting words triples the drama. “The saga of the tooth” is boring, but change a few words to “El saga del tooth” […]

Can you AutoClave RFID tags?

Monday, March 30th, 2009

Can you sterilize an EM4102 tag in an autoclave?

You can live with Type III AC joint separation, but I want more

You can live with Type III AC joint separation, but I want more

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

An update on my shoulder separation.

I take credit for that one...

I take credit for that one…

Monday, March 16th, 2009

My photos being used to scare people and hock crap.

Tale as old as time... AC torn as it can be...

Tale as old as time… AC torn as it can be…

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

Ok, I admit it… I’ll watch Beauty and the Beast once in a blue moon… you know, if I walk in and it’s already playing… and I wouldn’t stop someone from putting it on if they already had it out of the case… I mean, who am I to upset the apple cart if things […]

Polyphasic Sleep: "The Uberman Sleep Schedule"

Polyphasic Sleep: “The Uberman Sleep Schedule”

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

Toward the end of 2007 I was working furiously on developing several aspects of the txtGroups company I launched back in 2005. I was pretty much a one man show, so developing new messaging platform features, marketing the service, managing accounts with content partners, etc. were all part of the collection of hats I wore. […]

Got x-rays of the implants in my hands done

Thursday, March 30th, 2006

After a whole lot of BS, I was able to get an x-ray of my hands taken. What I can’t believe is just how insane the medical industry has become that I can’t walk into a radiology office and pay them cash to take an x-ray of me. The radiologist is performing a service, they […]

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