It’s easy to lose The Game. In fact, you can lose The Game the very same second you understand exactly how to play it. I did.
The Game is everywhere, and some people are so upset by constantly losing, they write angry emails to bloggers detailing how hurt they are over people even posting anything about The Game. Here’s an example.
I would just like to tell you that you should feel regretful about spreading the meme-virus of “the game” by means of your blog several years ago. If by some miracle you have forgotten about this by now, let me remind you: the game is, when you think of the game, you lose. The “losing” part of this turns out not to be conventional, like losing at a real game. Rather, the losing is the distraction and annoyance you experience when this useless, stupid thought intrudes itself upon your consciousness. For me, this happens every few months, for a few days or weeks at a time popping up every few hours. During really bad times, the very thought of recall becomes infected by the game, and whenever I think about remembering anything I remember the game. I don’t think I will ever permanently forget.
One of the worst parts of the game for me is my knowledge that I can never tell anybody about it unless I want to spite them. Because I do not want to subject them to this virus of thought. Why did you not have the same thought before you recklessly posted this on your blog? I hope that you feel at least some pangs of conscience over this act. You have done some really wonderful things through your journalism, and in many ways I admire you, but–and, please understand, this e-mail is NOT in jest–I wonder how you could have done such an ugly, inconsiderate thing.
Undoubtedly, writing this e-mail will make me think more often of the game for a little while. That is unfortunate, but I have thought about writing this note many times.
P.S. try not to lose too often.
Tags: culture, fun, hack, psychology, stupid