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I’m in “Tagged”, a new Canadian documentary

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

Documentaries seem take a long time to go from filming to release. I’ve helped film a couple of them, and I was up in Toronto a year or two ago (can’t remember exactly, it was that long ago) to be filmed assisting with a live implantation and typical door lock project. The trip was only […]

A multifaceted approach to identity checking

A multifaceted approach to identity checking

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

If you want to see the forefront of public surveillance and identification technologies, look no further than London. For the last 10 years, the UK has been the leader at deploying these new technologies in order to monitor and account for its citizenry. However this latest program is hoped to be a trial run and […]

Seattle suburb uses 24 hour surveillance cameras to monitor cars and people

Seattle suburb uses 24 hour surveillance cameras to monitor cars and people

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

City signs have a unique way of greeting people. In Issaquah, for instance, motorists are told they’re entering “a special place where people care.” For years, Bothell invited people to stay “for a day or a lifetime.” In Medina, a new sign bears this warning: “You Are Entering a 24 Hour Video Surveillance Area.” Cameras […]

An examination of California bill banning forced RFID implantation

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

This is very old news, but people keep asking me about it (CA SB362), so here goes: quote source: http://www.govtech.com/gt/articles/139441?utm_source=newsletter California Senate Bill 362, which would prohibit any person from forcing any other person to undergo an implant in their body of a radio frequency identification (RFID) device, passed the Senate Floor on a 28-9 […]

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