Dangerous Things
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RFID enhanced motorcycle ignition

Friday, February 27th, 2009

A while back the good folks over at MakeZine TV asked me to put together some video clips of me talking and using my implant. The episode should be airing tomorrow. This is one of the clips I shot for them. Basically I stuffed a smart RFID reader and some relays into my bike in […]

RFID enhanced fire safe

Friday, February 27th, 2009

This is the RFID enhanced fire safe I built while writing Chapter 5 of my book RFID Toys. I was just going through my files doing some spring cleaning and found this video I took shortly after completing the project.

Recycling an old Fossil Abacus WristNet Microsoft watch

Recycling an old Fossil Abacus WristNet Microsoft watch

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

How ironic and appropriate that the name for this Microsoft powered wrist watch included the word Fossil… it was almost like they knew how obsolete the first version would become in such short order. I picked up this watch for free because someone was tossing it out. It worked well enough, but since I don’t […]

¡Estoy en España!

¡Estoy en España!

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

Everyone knows that flying from just about anywhere in the US to just about anywhere in Europe is a painful event. I think that is sufficient to sum up my experience in the air, however I did take a kind of cool moto (mobile phone photo… roll with me on this, I’m trying to create […]

Seattle MindCamp 2.0 - It's pretty sweet

Seattle MindCamp 2.0 – It’s pretty sweet

Monday, May 1st, 2006

I just got back from Seattle Mind Camp 2.0, an amazing un-conference style gathering where chaos rules supreme and all-night werewolf sessions rage. I hosted a session about RFID, implants, security, and privacy. There were so many creative brainy types I couldn’t stop there. I scheduled another get-together with a few of them down in […]

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