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Seattle suburb uses 24 hour surveillance cameras to monitor cars and people

Seattle suburb uses 24 hour surveillance cameras to monitor cars and people

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

City signs have a unique way of greeting people. In Issaquah, for instance, motorists are told they’re entering “a special place where people care.” For years, Bothell invited people to stay “for a day or a lifetime.” In Medina, a new sign bears this warning: “You Are Entering a 24 Hour Video Surveillance Area.” Cameras […]

Reverse engineering the crypto in an RFID tag

Reverse engineering the crypto in an RFID tag

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009

This was posted on RFID Toys a little over six months ago, but I was just cleaning files from my cluttered laptop and re-discovered this gem. These guys over at the University of Virginia reverse engineered an RFID tag by physically shaving down the chip to reveal transistor layer after transistor layer, taking images of […]

Email from a friend concerned about RFID enabled passports

Monday, July 20th, 2009

I recently received an email from a friend who wanted to get the low down on RFID enabled passports. She had received the following suggestion from another source: Some scary possibilities for identity theft are present with the technology chosen for new American passports – all newly issued American passports have it. A brief Google […]

DorkBot presentation on Embedded RFID

DorkBot presentation on Embedded RFID

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Some footage of a talk I gave on Embedded RFID at DorkBot Seattle back in March 2006.

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