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My friend Greg Bennick

I met Greg Bennick many years ago at an AmeriCorps event. Ever since then I’ve been fascinated by this guy. He’s involved with some of the most profound things I’ve ever had the privilege of experiencing. From TRIAL to Flight From Death to Words as Weapons, he’s always involving himself in important issues in big way. Yet with all he pours into dealing with serious issues, he’s still one of the funniest guys I know. He juggles, is a professional MC, and has some of the most interesting communication methods I’ve seen.

day_dead_videoDays after meeting, Greg and I started on our first of many projects together; Day of the Darryl. Greg has a brother named Darryl, and they are both huge fans of George A. Romero’s series of zombie movies, particularly “Day of the Dead“, which Greg and Darryl remember watching over and over together as kids. Greg came up with the idea of taking the entire audio stream from an old VHS copy (did I mention this was many years ago), cutting it into tracks, and burning it to a CD for Darryl so he could listen to it while driving around or working out or whatever Darryl did. The topper was scanning the movie cover to create a CD insert that featured a photoshopped picture of Darryl making an eerily similar face to the zombie on the movie cover. It was an afternoon well spent, and the start of a great and hilarious friendship.

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