The guys over at Trossen Robotics are throwing a “not so official contest” and giving away 5 free RedBee Experimenter’s Kits.
From the Trossen contest page;
Here is what I’m thinking. Those of you who are interested and can pull yourselves away from your robots for a few hours can pitch for one of the free kits. We need pictures and video of some cool home setups with the RFID login. So here is the “contest” the people with the raddest, coolest, prettiest home setups AND cool pitches about how you want to integrate RFID login to your geek control center will “win” one of the kits. We will give out 5 kits total. (Just for USA residents for now.)
It would be cool if people did something flashy or geeky with the login, like make custom login audio, cool screen backgrounds, or did some robotics stuff being fired off one of the I/O pins on the reader. Maybe a bank of red mood lights around the desk goes on or off. A robot waves hello from the corner. Smoke machines and naked parade would be cool too. Think creative and fun geek cred.
Feel free to pitch secondary ideas also that you might want to do with a reader. We would love to hear creative ideas from all walks. It doesn’t HAVE to be the login. We are just concentrating on that for now.
The MAIN thing is that you have to promise to deliver on pics and video of your creation. That is the deal, free stuff for cool PR material
Choosing the people we send one too is totally random and subjective so please don’t get upset if you don’t get one.