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Are we in bizzaro world or something?

I think something is wrong with the universe. Everything seems backward… upside down… somehow, just wrong.



Here in Seattle we have Christopher John Monfort, a graduate of the Criminal Justice program at the University of Washington. He studies crime and the justice system, then goes out and targets the local police. He’s believed to be the arson who torched 4 police cars weeks ago. Last week he allegedly pulls up beside a parked patrol car and shoots a rifle into the cruiser, killing the driver and wounding the officer in training.

Yesterday he was tracked down and found at his apartment complex. After a brief conversation with officers, he tries shooting at them but his gun misfires. He is then shot by officers and taken into custody. He’s currently in critical condition, but he is still alive.



Of course everyone knows the horrible tragedy down in Fort Hood, where Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 people and wounded several more by going on a crazed shooting spree at his own military base. This man was an Army psychiatrist, trained to help soldiers deal with stress and anxiety. I’m not sure if it is ironic or just a coincidence that he participated in the ROTC program at Virginia Tech. What is strange though is that he was also shot but taken into custody alive.

So we have two people who seem to be acting in direct violation of their training and the morals and ethics that come with it. They have allegedly committed these outrageous acts, which were never really designed to be gotten away with and come out alive, yet have been taken alive regardless. That never happens… usually people like this end up dead, either by police gunfire, citizen gunfire, or by their own hand. This kind of thing happening once I can understand… but this kind of thing happening twice, within a couple weeks of each other?

We ARE in bizzaro world, aren’t we.

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