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Some of my favorite ringtones

I was cleaning up the files stored on my phone today and came across some ringtones I love but haven’t used in a long time.

First up, the classic “Don’t tase me bro”. This ringtone is a clipping of audio from the famous “Don’t tase me bro” video, minus some of the talking bits in between the screams. I literally just did a basic crop job, leaving this guy screaming like 6 times, and then only after a woman in the background yells out “Oh my god!”, he gets the idea to change from a steadily deflating “owww”, to deliver the best defeated sounding Oh my god I’ve ever heard.

dont-tase-me-bro (wav)

Next we have an audio clip from the end of a classic South Park episode. Cartman is singing his own version of the Wild Wild West theme song. Annoying as a ringtone yes, but still good to attach to various contacts from time to time.

wild_wild_cartman (mp3)

Now this one was quite simply a voicemail left for a coworker (Jay) in the IT department by an employee irate over a finicky terminal on the manufacturing floor. As an IT department inside joke, I used it as my ringtone for a few days, but it ceased to be funny by the second afternoon. However, after a few months the ringtone got an encore and wowed audiences once again. But alas, I think it’s time to retire it now. Before deleting it from my phone forever, what better ceremony than to set it adrift on the bitstreams, perhaps giving it a new life somewhere in the great beyond.

complaint (wav)

This one is a great closing line from a song performed in the movie Yes Man. I just thought it appropriate as a ringtone to assign to those people who tend to call you to hang out only when they want something from you. If you’ve not seen the movie, you’d have to hear the whole song to get what I mean.

call-me-at-ten-fifty-nine (mp3)

Another classic ringtone, the Imperial March from the original Star Wars works great for girlfriends, wives, etc. It always gets a laugh when people hear it, give you an odd look, and as you answer you quietly utter “the wife” 🙂

star-wars-imperial-march (mp3)

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