Dangerous Things
Custom gadgetry for the discerning hacker

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Listening to Light

Listening to Light

Sunday, March 8th, 2009

Build a light listening device and eavesdrop on flashlights, laser pointers, and even the sun!

A conversation with Sprint

Saturday, June 28th, 2008

I really have no reason to post this, other than I thought it was funny for a customer service person to have even an inkling of a sense of humor, and to play along… that was a priceless moment in an otherwise hectic day. ================================================== Agent: Hello, I’m a Sprint products and services online specialist. […]

Seattle MindCamp 2.0 - It's pretty sweet

Seattle MindCamp 2.0 – It’s pretty sweet

Monday, May 1st, 2006

I just got back from Seattle Mind Camp 2.0, an amazing un-conference style gathering where chaos rules supreme and all-night werewolf sessions rage. I hosted a session about RFID, implants, security, and privacy. There were so many creative brainy types I couldn’t stop there. I scheduled another get-together with a few of them down in […]

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